Date added: 28/12/24

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Character Assessment & Selection Tool (CAST) Website: 

Introduction: Patrick Tomlinson Associates was formed in 2008 to enable the development of people and organizations. Services are provided internationally.

Development is one of three outcome areas: safety, development, and happiness (Willis, 2001). All positive outcomes fall under at least one of these. Safety is necessary for development and happiness, which are closely linked. Development leads to improved well-being and happiness, which supports further development. Continuous development is vital to individual and organizational performance. 

In addition to mentoring, I provide consultation and clinical supervision to meet your specific needs.

What is Mentoring? Mentoring is a process whereby a suitably experienced person provides a ‘mentee’ with guidance, advice, and counsel.  The focus is on professional and career development, and personal growth.  The aim is for the mentee to become who he/she wishes to be. 

How the Service is Provided: Zoom is used for online sessions. The frequency and duration are tailored to need and can be changed as necessary. As well as the 1-1 online meetings the process can be supported via email for reviewing documents and providing useful material that is relevant to individual and organizational development.      

Assessment of Developmental Needs: To begin mentoring it can be helpful to carry out the Character Assessment & Selection Tool – This helps to clarify where the person is in their development and areas to work on. To begin with, a plan is made based on the mentee’s desired goals. 

Mentoring can also be provided to small groups and teams.  This provides a positive support and learning network, as well as reducing the cost for each person. 

Mentoring is provided in the areas below.

1. Senior Managers and Executive Directors: The development of managers and leaders goes together with the development and performance of the organizations they lead and manage. The mentoring service works well when it is used for several leaders and managers in the same organization. It helps provide a consistent and integrated approach.    

2. Business Development: For business owners, self-employed practitioners, and people transitioning from employment to self-employment.

3. Practitioners: For therapists, counsellors, residential and foster care workers, social workers, team leaders, supervisors, Guardian ad Litems, and advocates among others.

UK, Ireland, Australia, Japan, Romania, Serbia, India, and Portugal.  

Reference: Willis, M. (2001) Outcomes in Social Care: Conceptual Confusion and Practical Impossibility? in Leadership for Social Care Outcomes Module Handbook 2005, University of Birmingham: INLOGOV


Patrick has a combination of high-quality leadership skills, years of experience within a range of contexts including residential services, and expertise within the area of trauma and attachment - making for a formidable combination; yet does this with humility and humanness.

Patrick is someone who truly models the model. He is kind, caring, interested, reflective, and passionate. He has a unique way of bringing out the best in people and truly trying to see the potential and unique skills of those he works with; including being strengths-based … He is integrity, alongside vision.  Dr. Karen Treisman - Clinical Psychologist, trainer, & author, England

During the two years that I worked with Patrick; I can only describe what took place as a transformational change. Patrick is the first CEO I have worked with who could see and understand the balance between the ‘business of care and the care of the business’, as sometimes referenced. Eilis Carroll - Head of Children’s Services, The Talbot Group, Ireland


I have known Patrick for 25 years.  I have worked with him in several organizations in the UK and Ireland.  These organizations deliver therapeutic services to young people who have attachment and/or learning difficulties.  Patrick has always sought to develop models of care that provide a secure base to contain, orientate, and inspire the individuals and teams who carry out such important and difficult work.  He understands how leadership and management structures need both to reflect the model of care and to facilitate its implementation. 

Patrick understands how easily organizations can drift or become ineffective and unsupportive under the daily pressure of this work. Importantly, he demonstrates the ability to provide an emotionally containing leadership presence in highly challenging circumstances.  He has a proven track record of delivering positive organizational change that results in enduring and successful outcomes for clients and staff. He has an impressive aptitude for identifying core issues and developing practical plans of action. Paul Van Heeswijk – Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist, England

I must highlight not only Patrick’s high competence but also his characteristics of attention, support, and facilitation of personal and professional reflection processes. In this way and with total freedom and autonomy Patrick has been able to create an opportunity for change, not only at our Home but in each of the people with whom he works more closely, facilitating our professional maturity. The technical and scientific support he provides is incredible. Ivone Soares de Almeida - Technical Director, Porto, Portugal

Patrick first connected with us in 2019, offering congratulations on our new office & website, which sparked a reconnection with Virge, with whom he had previously worked as Interim CEO of Three Steps. Our shared passion for psychology has been the foundation of a collaborative partnership that has greatly benefited the development of Behaviour Detectives.

Patrick’s extensive background in trauma, attachment, & healthcare management has been key in shaping our growth. Patrick’s expertise in creating structure & procedures for healthcare facilities continues to be a vital part of our success. We’re proud to have Patrick’s wealth of knowledge & experience helping to guide Behaviour Detectives as we expand our services! Virge Connery, Clinical Director/ CEO, Behaviour Detectives, Ireland

He has acquired a combination of skills, unusual in their breadth and depth, based on his lived experience as a therapeutic carer, manager, leader, trainer, and consultant. John Whitwell - Former, Principal of The Cotswold Community, and Managing Director of ISP, UK 


Patrick has been very helpful in assisting with the therapeutic model development for the service I lead. It has been a tough but very fulfilling journey.  Being mentored by Patrick has been of most importance for the achievement of positive results. Rui Lopes, Director de Casa de Acolhimento Residencial, Lisbon Area, Portugal


I am currently being mentored by Patrick. In a very short space of time, I have developed my career and my thinking, with his expert guidance, support, and experience. Our work together continues not only to have a significant impact on my personal development but has vastly improved my financial situation and outlook. I look forward to continuing working with him. Claudia Kempinska, Psychodynamic Therapist, Clinical Operations Manager, Lecturer, Supervisor, and Tutor, England

Patrick Tomlinson has been my mentor for more than 2 years. In this time, he guided me and offered me an anchor, a flag in a time of change.  During this time, I took some important steps in my career – I entered a PhD program and had some important work achievements that are also reflected in my income. During this time, Patrick was an inspiring source for me, a point of stability and an objective point of view regarding different aspects. 

Some people may wonder... why a mentor? Well, the benefits are both short-term by having a professional with a higher level of expertise, who had similar experiences, to guide you in work, and challenging points, and in the long-term – by offering a model of good professional practice, of perseverance, reliability, and meaning. Dr. Ioana Boldis, Psychologist, Trainer, Romania                                                                    

The key to the success of the work with Patrick Tomlinson has been the way we have established a strong working relationship, whilst working across international boundaries. Patrick has brought a variety of essential skills to the projects that we have worked on. He has demonstrated great knowledge and expertise, reliability, and high-quality work, and has always delivered on time. His service has been very productive and cost-effective, due to his ability to systematically work through any potential challenges that would take a less evolved individual many months to work through. 

Lighthouse Foundation has been providing therapeutic programs for traumatized children and young people for over 20 years. We are now in a position where we are ready to achieve our strategic aim of transferring our practice model to organizations across Australia and internationally, thanks to the enormous contribution of Patrick Tomlinson. Rudy Gonzalez, Executive Director, Lighthouse Institute, Australia

I have been leading a 3-year research project funded by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. We are researching worldwide, effective approaches in working with traumatized children in residential and foster care. I have been consulting with him by email, which has been a helpful way for me to communicate and Patrick has visited Japan. His advice and assistance have been so great, helpful, reliable, prompt, kind and warm, and fit to Japanese society.  Patrick Tomlinson is the very right person to understand quickly the situation and the problems of looked-after children in Japan, visiting several children’s homes, talking with carers of children’s homes, foster parents, senior executives, and professionals. Hisayo Kaihara, MD (Child Psychiatrist), Tokyo, Japan 

Patrick has mentored me for the last 2 years. He has provided me with guidance and advice relating to running my organization, Stable Relationships - which provides equine-assisted learning, for children and young people as well as other services. In two years, we have gone from being new to a thriving organization. We have also been featured in 2 national newspapers, TV and Radio. Patrick has been very encouraging. I have found it very helpful to have someone with so much knowledge on trauma and young people, as well as business development, to work with about the various challenges and successes we have experienced to date. Debbie Wolfe, Managing Director, Stable Relationships, England

Patrick has a deep understanding of therapeutic model development, organization dynamics, and leadership. I continue to draw on his teachings in my senior management position to this day and he is a go-to mentor, skillful at facilitating self-reflection. Emma Griffiths, CEO at Gloucestershire Counselling Service, England


Patrick has an excellent knowledge base and a high level of skill in taking plans forward.

Dr. Neil Thompson, Ph.D., DLitt, Wales


On a more personal note, all the consultancy work with Patrick was conducted online. Conversations mainly involved just the two of us, with me acting as a conduit and facilitator for the wider development group. Looking back on it all, I am astonished at how much was achieved using this approach. Not only was the model developed and written during the “Covid years”, I think it is fair to say that the development process comprehensively transformed the organisation. Whilst we continue to work through the implementation and evaluation phases of the model, we have come a very long way in just a few months.

I have also gained personally from talking with Patrick about all sorts of things that might loosely be called “the context of model development”. I was tasked with leading a significant project which, for many reasons, I felt ill-equipped to deliver. Patrick was an unwavering and generous guide. He taught me everything about the organisational change process, how to plan, gain traction, and how to see the work through to its end.

Although he often works with experienced and accomplished organisations and practitioners to put the polish on their ideas, I also highly recommend Patrick to those who are just starting in this kind of work. Having said all that, I hope that we will continue to collaborate for many years to come. Helena Moore - Director of Practice, Mallee Accommodation and Support Program, Mildura, Victoria, Australia

As a mentor, Patrick has helped me think about what is important to me, helped me to think for myself, and make sense of my options in terms of the work I do, and in my personal development. Along with a space for self-reflection, our relationship has supported my decision-making abilities.  Our discussions are always thought-provoking, in that they are usually deep and to the point. He helps me get to the core of the matter. Patrick doesn’t tend to quickly offer solutions for my questions, he provides a space in which I can find my answers.  I have great respect for Patrick, his work, knowledge, and experience, and will continue to recommend him. Liza Aitken, Life Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Trainer, England

It’s been fantastic to work alongside Patrick Tomlinson over the past few years, especially to create a therapeutic approach that is young person-focused and genuinely trauma-informed. His theoretical understanding and knowledge of the sector are second to none as is his ability to help organisations embed this in practice. Certainly, Concrete Rose Collective CIC looks forward to continuing the journey together to meaningfully impact the lives of those we support. Mike Farrington, Founder and Operational Lead, Concrete Rose Collective CIC, England

I have had the absolute pleasure of Patrick Tomlinson’s company and his advice on several occasions here in Ireland. Speaking openly and candidly to which I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt has left me with a very lasting impression and insight into his vast knowledge and professionalism. This has gone on to shape my approaches in both trauma-informed care in therapy and indeed the internal structure of the Advance Hypnosis Network as an organisation. I will be forever grateful and privileged. Wayne P Hennessy - CHt GQHP Senior Clinical Hypnotherapist & Director of Advance Hypnosis Clinics Network, Ireland

From the introduction through the final appendices, I was struck by the constant and integrated presence of thinking, feeling, and reflection as integral to meeting the needs of young people, whether at an individual or organizational level…..This book offers vision and motivation to those with the requisite courage to work towards a more humane system of care for children and young people. Review of Therapeutic Residential Child Care for Children and Young People: An Attachment and Trauma-Informed Model for Practice (Susan Barton, Rudy Gonzalez and Patrick Tomlinson, 2012) London, Jessica Kingsley. Laura Steckley, Course Director, MSc Advanced Residential Child Care, Glasgow School of Social Work, Scotland, Excerpt of book review

I have worked with Patrick Tomlinson on many books, and it is always a genuine pleasure. Patrick is both knowledgeable, with a deep understanding of his subject area, and a skilled writer. In his books, he communicates complex ideas and concepts in a clear and structured way and always with a keen awareness of the needs of his readers and publishers’ commercial concerns. I have always found Patrick to be reliable, conscientious, and thoughtful in my dealings with him, and value him as a source of advice. Stephen Jones - Senior Commissioning Editor, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, UK & USA


Patrick Tomlinson Brief Bio: The primary goal of Patrick’s work is the development of people and organizations. Throughout his career, he has identified development to be the driving force related to positive outcomes - for everyone, service users, professionals, and organizations.  The people and organizations Patrick works with usually make excellent progress in their development and achieving their aspirations.

His experience spans from 1985 in the field of trauma and attachment-informed services. He began as a residential care worker in a therapeutic community for young people and has experience as a team leader, senior manager, Director, CEO, consultant, and mentor. He is the author/co-author/editor of numerous papers and books. He is a qualified clinician, strategic leader, and manager.

PTA services have been provided to people and organizations in the UK, Ireland, Australia, Japan, Romania, Serbia, India, and Portugal. Patrick has helped develop therapeutic models that have gained national and international recognition. In 2008 he created Patrick Tomlinson Associates to provide services focused on development for people and organizations. The following services are provided, 

For Further Information & Costs

Email: [email protected]

Patrick Tomlinson Associates Website:

Character Assessment & Selection Tool (CAST) Website:


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