Healthy tree illustration

This page provides links to excellent web pages with many free resources - articles papers, papers, PDFs, & Videos. The pages are all especially relevant to trauma, neuroscience, therapeutic work, & development. This page will be added to and evolving.

Center on the Developing Child: Harvard University

A vast amount of information & PDFs - on child development, neuroscience, trauma & recovery, play, & resilience, among many others.

CELCIS (Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and Protection) - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care

This is an outstanding resource – free Journal PDFs from over 20 years, & over 500 articles on Residential Care. And much more material on their website too.

John Whitwell: A Personal Site of Professional Interest

John Whitwell has had the rare experience of being a leader of organizations in therapeutic residential and foster care. His website shares many great papers & articles, spanning over 5 decades. A great history of the pioneering therapeutic community, The Cotswold Community. This is especially relevant to me, as John appointed me to my first ‘proper’ job in 1985. I ended up staying for over 14 years!

Child Trauma Academy

Articles & papers, PDFs, & videos. On Therapeutic Interventions, Abuse & Neglect, Brain Development & Neuroscience, Child Development & Early Childhood, Trauma & PTSD, Violence & Public Health. Featuring Dr. Bruce Perry among others.

The Neurosequential Network (Dr. Bruce Perry)

Many excellent resources on this site. Related to child development, trauma, & neurobiology. Relevant for work with children and families, in, communities, schools, foster care, & residential care.

Bessel van der Kolk M.D.

PDFs of scientific papers on Trauma, & research information. Media articles, videos, interviews, & conference talks. Quotes from, ‘The Body Keeps the Score’.

Therapeutic Residential and Foster Care for Traumatized Children

A LinkedIn Discussion Group, created by Patrick Tomlinson in 2012, with 3000 members from 75 countries. Useful resources & discussions.

Australian Childhood Foundation

“The Foundation produces a range of resources to support your work with vulnerable children, young people, families, and communities.”

An excellent range of free articles, practice guides, & other free resources are available.

Centre for Excellence in Therapeutic Care

“The CETC mobilises knowledge about “what works” in out-of-home care to better resource carers and organisations supporting children and young people living in all forms of care, including foster and kinship care, residential care and secure care.” Excellent Practice Guides on many subjects.

Beacon House (Therapeutic Services & Trauma Team, UK)

An outstanding selection of free resources on developmental trauma & other related subjects, free podcasts, & many links to other useful websites.

Dr. Karen Treisman: Safe Hands Thinking Minds

A trauma-informed focus with excellent free resources and worksheets. Links to websites, videos, podcasts, & organizations related to trauma, toxic stress, attachment, foster care, adoption, and parenting.

The Institute of Psychoanalysis: British Psychoanalytical Society

The findings from neuroscience research have affirmed the central principles of psychotherapy, "It is even claimed that psychoanalysis (the original ‘talking cure’) is ‘a neuroplastic therapy (Doidge, 2007)’." (Kezelman and Stavropoulos, 2012, p.64).

This website provides a great introduction, with brief biographies of 50 key figures in the history of psychoanalysis. Many links, videos, & audios.

The Home of Stephen Porges: Author of Polyvagal Theory

Polyvagal theory articles, papers, PDFS, & videos.

Dr. Dan Siegel: Inspire to Rewire

Articles, videos, & audios of interviews & talks. Blog PDFs. On mindfulness, parenting, child development, neuroscience, & well-being among others.

Angela Duckworth: Grit, The Power and Passion of Perseverance

Articles, papers, & PDFs on child, personal, & professional development. Grit Scale to test yourself. Playbooks for parents and teachers. Videos, Ted Talk, & media articles.

Rewriting Social Care: Words that make me go hmmm… (Bryony Shannon, Blog)

This is a great reflective blog on the importance of language and the words we use in social care.

Play Makes Us Human (Peter Gray, Blog)

Peter Gray specializes in the subject of play. He casts an illuminating, valuable, & informative light on this vital and fascinating human subject.

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